with Caroline
Autumn Art Series
Art classes with Caroline presents an Autumn Art Series for young creatives!
Learn how to create a shape shifting Pooka Mask
Inspired by the tales of the Pooka from Celtic Folklore,
this art tutorial shows how to create a shapeshifting Pooka Mask.
The Pooka was a shape shifter trickster often seen during Oiche Samhain (Halloween).
The Pooka was recalled to shape shift and take the form of a horse, cat, hare, dogs and wolfs and even an old man!

Explore Subtractive Charcoal drawing
In this art session we shall be trying subtractive drawing with willow charcoal.
We shall explore this drawing technique by drawing animals
which are black and white in colour.
Experimenting with Mono-printing
In this tutorial we shall experiment with the process of mono-printing with paint,
markers and acetate. Reacting to the marks we make during the process to create
unique pictures and art works.
For this tutorial it can be fun to gather some flat materials to print onto your pages
like some leaves or flowers, feather or paper cut outs!

Clay Work
Building a Gorgoch Irish Fairy
Inspired by the folklore surrounding Oiche Samhain, Gorgoch were half human half fairy and travelled from Scotland to settle in Ireland.
They were known to be hard working and possessed the power of invisibility, which they only revealed to those they truly trusted.
In this tutorial we shall create a Gorgoch out of air-drying clay and then begin to
design your very own mythical creature!
This series comprises of 5 online 30 minute art tutorials and an art box full of all the
needed art materials.
Once you purchase the Online Autumn Art Series, your art box is delivered to your door and you will have access to the online art series for 30 days so plenty of time to fit each tutorial into a busy household schedule.
The tutorials range from Sculpture, Printmaking, Painting and Drawing to Clay work.
These art tutorials are suitable for ages 7year +.
They are a mixture of basic techniques and process led art making with a focus on discovery and play with materials rather than replication.
This original series has been inspired by the Autumn season which brings the Celtic new year wrapped in Irish folklore, tales and myths. Each tutorial explores a different technique and material followed by how to use the artistic prompts included in your art box for to fuel a young artistic imagination.
This online Autumn Art Series provides the convenience of the art
materials being posted to your door and allows the artists of the
household to get creative at home at their own leisure.
Experimental Painting of Autumn Night
The Autumn season is filled with deep dark colours
and rich vibrant bold tones too.
In this art tutorial we shall play with painting autumnal nightscapes on a black
background and background of bold colour.

What will we be doing?

What materials will I get in my box?
The materials you need to create your masterpieces will arrive to your door, along with a 'Creative Cues Case File' to guide you through each project !
A3 Assorted coloured sheets
A4 Assorted coloured sheets
A5 Assorted coloured sheets
A4 x1 sheet of Acetate
A5 x2 Sheets of acetate
Paint brush
3 napkins
5 pots of 75ml paint (RED YELLOW BLUE BLACK WHITE)
1 pot 75ml of pva glue
4 toothpicks
400g of clay
2 sticks of willow charcoal
Creative Cues Case File​​

Your Creative Cues Case File​​​ is a folder with a collection of tools, templates and creative prompts to build upon the techniques and materials used in the art tutorials.
Theses aim to encourage the makers to think creatively and problem solve!